Recently, Wattpad has deleted @Jane_Conquest 's account @JaneConquestBackup. The account had over 100,000 followers and 50+ books that Jane worked hard to make. I can't imagine how devastated she must be; she didn't do anything to deserve this. Her account was not only a place for people to read some of her novels that weren't posted on her main account and her comics, but it was also a place people could go to for advice on writing, a high quality cover, a good laugh at memes and other things, and books about interesting random things. It was a platform where people could come together to share their opinions, make a few friends, and crack a few jokes and share some laughs. It was a place where we could get to know Jane herself and for her to share some of the funny things that go on in her life and pictures of her cat, Peanut Butter. As she claimed, there really was a book for everyone on her account, and now almost everything is gone. I say almost because she still has people who support her. Her account brought people together, so I'm asking those people and new people who want to help to stay together and stand up to this injustice! Please show your support as she fights to get her account back! You can follow her and check out her work on the two accounts that she still has on Wattpad: @Jane_Conquest and @JaneConquestPhoto Another user has also made an account specifically for supporting Jane and updating everyone on what they know about the situation. You can follow that account @janedeservesbetter I also put another reading list up for books specifically made to spread the message and show support if you want to see more on what you can do to help put. Also, please spread the tags #standbyjane and #istandbyjane Show Jane that she's not alone, and we can all come together to support her!!