
WAKE UP! Rise and shine my lovelies, for I am back! I am revamping my story before I continue on! I recently have watched the "Magnus Bride!" BEST SHOW EVER DARLINGS! I'm actually planning a tattoo from that very anime on my chest, close to my heart lol. in the future of course!


@kawaii-devil Always glad to point people to great animes! Let me know if you ever need any more recommendations my lovelie!


WAKE UP! Rise and shine my lovelies, for I am back! I am revamping my story before I continue on! I recently have watched the "Magnus Bride!" BEST SHOW EVER DARLINGS! I'm actually planning a tattoo from that very anime on my chest, close to my heart lol. in the future of course!


@kawaii-devil Always glad to point people to great animes! Let me know if you ever need any more recommendations my lovelie!


Hello! I was wondering if you lovelies would like a Christmas special soon? It may not completely match with the timeline, so maybe it could be a separate chapter? And would you like it to be romantic? And who with? Anyways, that's all, my darlings!