I am currently trying to cover some MILGRAM songs to fill my Jeometric universe with entertainment. Look at all my characters vibe, all my little beanies to my amazing voice and amazingly composed songs by DECO*27. Shoutout to DECO*27!! Suddenly, sounds of an ongoing war is really disturbing the whole show. Ugh! Who has the audacity to ruin my amazing show? Now all of my characters are in are arguing at me. SHUT UP ALUN! U DONT GET TO TALK TO YOUR CREATOR LIKE THAT! Anyways, with my brilliantly made telescope, I was able to notice where the source of the noise come from, it was an argument between Tsumi and Mari? Out of all time really? They are both on their own universes, shouting at each other from miles apart, yet they were pretty audible. They were talking about semen and poop? What the hell? My little Amongus beans don't want to hear that shi- OOPS... I SAID NOTHING!! Ugh... I hope they stop. Might as well just create this sound proof barrier and continue this show. Anyways, the show will continue everyone! ..I was talking to myself out loud into the microphone..? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?!?! This is so embarrassing. YEAH, LAUGH ALL YOU WANT THERE BRENDA! HEY! DID YOU RECORD ME THIS WHOLE TIME EDEN? I WILL POP ALL OF YOUR HEADS OFF!! Sigh... Whatever. - 9/10/23
@rzsmochi Well... Tsumi AND Mari should know what to and what not to say. My precious little babies... come here for a hug... HEY! BLUE NINJA DONT SEARCH WHAT SEMEN IS! HEYYYY
@Its_PB excuse me it was an informative debate and well tsumi took it that seriously
@maris_universe Exactly. Now all of my beanies are asking what semen is. You guys already ruined them befote they were even released >:(