I return. As you may know, Life Over Death hasn't been updated in a while. It's not that I won't finish it, I'm just taking a break to work on other things as well as figure out exactly what I want to happen. Because I have the ending of the last chapter figured out, bursts far as everything up to then? Not a damn clue. I could just finish 21 and leave it there. Start the sequel (second of three) but I really don't know.
For anyone (no one) who's been reading Twisted Fates, or those who haven't been, I say do it. That's my focus at the moment and I feel like I'm going to be putting more effort into that one for a while. They're in the same universe, believe it or not, I just have characters I'm more attached to in Fates. I will finish both eventually, but TF is the focus at the moment.
I apologize for the hiatus on LODDOL, I just need time to figure things out.