
The time has come my friends where I will be taking down my story temporarily. I want it on the record that I absolutely adored working on this, but I am excited to change some aspects of this story. My writing has become more engrossed over the years and I have learned to respect the readers and the characters in the story as a whole. I cannot wait to get into this and work out the finer details. Showing you all, what I am truly capable of.
          	Also! I wanted to announce that I might be posting some other work along these lines. However, this one will be at my own pace in order to not burn myself out. I love this story and its ideas. Those will be announced as the days go on. Something that I hope all of you will be at least somewhat a part of.
          	Thank you all again for all the support you have shown me over the years. I cannot wait to get back into this.
          	Your friend,
          	~Rebecca Love~


@WritingRebeccaLove I had no clue you took the story down. I felt like rereading it even though it's incomplete...found out you took it down to make improvements to the story. Totally excited for what's to come None the less. But from what I can see it's been well over a year now. You doing ok? Well what ever your doing now hope your having a good time!! ^-^


@WritingRebeccaLove Omg how did I not see this until just now I'm so sorry! I'm so excited to hear your back! :)


The time has come my friends where I will be taking down my story temporarily. I want it on the record that I absolutely adored working on this, but I am excited to change some aspects of this story. My writing has become more engrossed over the years and I have learned to respect the readers and the characters in the story as a whole. I cannot wait to get into this and work out the finer details. Showing you all, what I am truly capable of.
          Also! I wanted to announce that I might be posting some other work along these lines. However, this one will be at my own pace in order to not burn myself out. I love this story and its ideas. Those will be announced as the days go on. Something that I hope all of you will be at least somewhat a part of.
          Thank you all again for all the support you have shown me over the years. I cannot wait to get back into this.
          Your friend,
          ~Rebecca Love~


@WritingRebeccaLove I had no clue you took the story down. I felt like rereading it even though it's incomplete...found out you took it down to make improvements to the story. Totally excited for what's to come None the less. But from what I can see it's been well over a year now. You doing ok? Well what ever your doing now hope your having a good time!! ^-^


@WritingRebeccaLove Omg how did I not see this until just now I'm so sorry! I'm so excited to hear your back! :)


Just as a reminder. I will be taking down the story temporarily on July 31st! If you would like to read it, please do so now before I make updates 
          ~Rebecca Love ❤️


Glad to see you working on your story again - it’s too good to let it go to waste! Excited to see what you do with it <3


Hello everyone. It’s good to be back on here.
          If you have not hear the news, I will relay what I wrote in the book in here.
          If you're reading this, yes. I am alive. I have come with you with thoughts and answers on what's going on with the story.
          Let me start by stating this. Yes, this is something that I do find myself wanting to finish. However, I feel as if I had rushed many of the 'aspects of romance' when going into the story. Though there were a lot of good moments in this, I felt, almost embarrassed by the lack of skill I had as a writer to show the quality of romance many look for when approaching slow-burn stories. 
          With that being said, I will be re-writing this. Same plot same characters, many of the same scenes. Just slightly different. 
          I didn't know how to approach this before because I feared what you, my audience, would think. I believed that many of you do enjoy my writing, and I appreciate that tenfold.
          You have given me the inspiration to be a better person, a better writer, and an influencer to you all. 
          With that, I will give those who would like to read this story from beginning to end till July 31st before I am going to temporarily take it down. 
          Now, now, don't be scared. Let me explain.
          I am currently a Senior in college. I am excited to be getting my degree and continuing life. However, I did not want to see my Covid Passion project go to waste.
          During this month. I will be re-writing each chapter. Then I will update each chapter at the end of each month unless stated otherwise.
          I wish nothing but the best and I absolutely love and appreciate all the support from you guys! Even after, what, two years?
          I will see you all again 
          Rebecca Love


I'm sorry, why is my story becoming so popular all of a sudden?!
           #5 in the Leon out of 1,000+ #2 in PokemonSwSh out of 209  #6 in Galar out of 489 #334 in real life out of 1,000+ #61 out of pokemon trainer
          and  soooo much more.
          Well, I guess this is a good time to start picking up my story again
          Hey everyone! So yes I know this is my like 12th time saying I'm back, but this is how the schedule is actually going to happen, mostly because the last time I worked on this story, I burnt myself out so bad that I physically couldn't bring myself to look at it for almost an entire year afterwards.
          I will be posting at the beginning of the month, and at the middle of the month. With this, the chapters are going to be much longer. Most likely 12.000 plus if that. Also, I am going to be editing and making sure that everything on my end is looking good.
          I am not going to be burning myself out this time. I was able to make it to almost 50 chapters before burning myself out, and I don't want that to happen again. With this, I have a request from you guys. I would like you all to try and stay on this journey with me. Feel free to message me and talk about yourself. I would love to open to you as well.
          With that, I am glad to officially announce my return and am now going to be taking the break sign off of the story.
          Thank you to all who have been concerned about my wellbeing. You all have been nothing but kind to me.
          Can't wait to see you all in the next chapter
          Love you all
          —Rebecca Love


You’re story is soooo GOOD I actually just finished reading it for the first time and I CAN’T WAIT to find out what will happen next


It's in high rankings because it's SOO GOOOOD AAA it honestly deserves to be that high FR! 
            I've fallen out of the fandom myself but I can still read your book with just as much interest as I did when I first found it! I even downloaded it offline so I could read it whenever I get bored x) 
            Best wishes from me, and happy writing!! 
            And a refreshing summer :)


Wow, so today is officially my birthday  I feel super old now. But you know, I’m just tired constantly haha. I hope you guys have a great day and a happy New year! Also, I have some great news!
          YAAAAAYYYY goodness it only took me four months! in any-case, after this series is over I plan on making a new one for the Mandalorian too! I have been doing a lot of research in that show and decided that will be my next move. I’m currently watching the clone wars as we speak 
          I missed all of you so much, and I can’t wait to show you what I got!
          Love you all
          —Rebecca Love


Take your time uploading for us! We’ll all be here waiting :) 


I know we don't exactly know each other personally, but I've seen you some places and I can tell you are awesomely kind my fren. :)
          If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral
          I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. 
          We are true friends
          We ride together, We die together
          Send this to everybody you care about including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this
          I want you to know you’re an amazing friend, till death and forever
          If I don’t get this back I understand, 
          But I have a game for you
          Once you read this letter, send it to 15 people including me. 
          If you get three back you are loved. 
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. 
          Tonight (Right at 12:00 a.m.) The person you love will realize they love you
          Than at 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. be ready for the shock of your life 
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck 
          With love, send this to 15 people 
          If you don’t you will turn ugly in one year. 
          A friend told me to pass it on 
          Tomorrow two boys/girls/enbies will ask, can I have your number? 
          Send this to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year 
          Apparently, if you copy and paste, you will have the best day of your life. 
          This is not fake
          Good luck! 
          Stay positive~ ❤️
          (You totally don't have to do this ;) it's just a tag thing going through Wattpad and I knew I had to include you ^^)


How have I just now seen this! I’m so sorry about that. Thank you for the kind message!! ❤️