
Chapter 13 published now! Check it out


Hi- the next chapter of Search for the Rabbit People is published now! Read Chapter 10 and let me know what you think, ok? This chapter is about a giant spider trying to eat a girl (who wants to be eaten), but there is a last-minute twist which may or may not save her life. I appreciate all reads, comments and, of course, votes! Thanks :)


Want to read about a place where nomadic amnesiac cowboys ride giant tarantulas through an endless desert under a sky with two suns? Now you can! Chapter 8, The NowHere, is published! Let me know what you think. And thanks to everyone who voted and read so far :) Means a lot to me.


Hello! Chapter 7 is now published. This chapter is a bout a little acorn who sacrifices himself for his community, and the enterprising Dragon Fairy guards who put him up to it. I hope you enjoy it - thanks to everyone who votes and comments. Would love to know what you think!