
Hi everyone! I'm back! Permently? Undetermined... But I have started a new book, and don't worry I'm not abandoning my old one just breaking, so check out this new one, I've really put myself out there with this one...


          @XxDinkyxX @italianbaby99 @DobbyAwesome @tumy98
          @DreamTillDawn @CosmicWriter @adrianadanielle @browneyedvixen @PrettyAwkward @IndieMae  @Heartsandlovex @Imperfections18  @laffy_taffy333 @Smurf_Queen
          @Skylieboo @sparklingdestiny @ShadowhunterRebel  @lizajanerocks @Crosssparks
          I'd love for y'all to check out my new book its called 2 mates, 1 girl .... its a werewolf and vampire story mixed with a little more its exciting too ... :)