
UPDATED!!!!!! It's a little shorter than last weeks but It was soooo fun to write


Soooo Instead of this weeks chapter coming out on Wednesday like I planned I think I'm going to have to push it back to Friday. Hopefully I can go back to my planned schedule next week but if I publish it tomorrow it would be nowhere near done.


I know I said one chapter a week but is it too early to post the next one?????


Writing the filler for the revised Bound In darkness(name change coming soon) is taking so longgggg OMGGG I just wanna get to the good partssss. I want to have half of this out by December but I only have 3 revised chapters that i like so far. 
          Sidebar-- I need someone to talk to about this book that isn't related to me. I have too many ideas for how I want this story to go. 
          Anyways, I think that's all the ramble for today. Thank you all so much for your patience.(I'd put emoji's here if I could.)


Heyyyyyy ummmm I have a question, when are you going to reléase bound in darckness again? 


@AymaraPatio Hii,  I'm currently rewriting almost everything that I had originally written, and some of the characters are either being redone or taken out so I don't have an exact date for when I'm going to re-release it, but hopefully, I can have half of it out and redone by December