this message may be offensive
So, I know for the last 2 or 3 years I've been shitting on all my stories, and yes, I don't like them. People seemed to be confused as to why. Simple, I know I can do better. I am my own worst critic. I am by no means saying that other people can't enjoy them, and I'm not saying that you are dumb for liking them. I just don't personally like my old stories because I look back and all I see are mistakes. But I'm not taking them down, so don't worry about that. I just have grown as a writer and when I see my old works I cringe a bit at my old writing style, and try to think how I can fix it, which honestly isn't constructive, because by the time I've rewritten all those old books, I'll develop a new writing style again and I'll be in the same boat as before. It would be an endless cycle of rewrites. Plus, personally, I wouldn't rewrite a lot of them because I just am not interested in those AUs anymore. Example, I wouldn't do another book like My Name is Omega because it uses cliches that are overdone in the Chaos Army AU. I wouldn't do another In Just A Week because I felt as though I did a lot of things that could be offensive to the transgender community which was not my intention. I even tried to fix that one, having someone who is Trans help me edit chapter by chapter to fix the things I fucked up on. My point is, we as people grow and change. I likely won't post on this account again, but if you want to read more of my stuff, go check out the account Eris_the_fluxed here on wattpad. Because that is my newer account. I'll likely switch over some voltron stuff over to that account, like Eternity in the Friendzone.

@WrittnPenguin Nah, I absolutely love your chaos fanfics, “My name is Omega” and “New Chaos Army” are some of the only ones I feel that execute the template well even if it’s overused. Ty for your beautiful works and I hope you can continue writing PJO on your new acc^^