
@MyOhMallory I love you, too. ♥


“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.”
               While I never really did like Romeo and Juliet, I have to say this famed quote (along with daydreams of turkey and stuffing) has been running through my mind all day. Why? BECAUSE I HAVE FINALLY NAMED MY NEW BOOK! WHOOO! I am so happy.
               I have been driving myself absolutely bonkers trying to decide on the perfect name for the Project—and I have prevailed! I have decided to call it…
          	…drum roll, please…
               Now. If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about, don’t panic. I’ll explain. However, the artsy people out there probably already know that the term “chiaroscuro” (pronounced like, kee-ahr-uh-skyoo r-oh) means the art of shadows and light. I thought this played very well into the story I’m telling in the book—the story of the grey areas in a very black and white world. What’s right and what’s wrong—and can some things be both? These questions shall be answered in Chiaroscuro.
               Anyway, I’m gonna go eat now. May go into a turkey coma for a few days, but I’ll be alright. Later.
                                                             Read On,
                                                               Demi ;)


          So anyway, I'm sitting here on Wattpad when I should be working on this story that's due for creative writing. My hands are shaking and I keep forgetting that it doesn't automatically capitalize the first word in every sentence like on Word. I find this VERY annoying. Plus, I can’t see what I’m writing because the screen keeps jumping down. *sigh* This is so not my day.
          	Ronnie’s snickering beside of me and saying something about how this one person only knows how to write FanFiction. She’s on Wattpad too, so I’m not the only one who’s bored with this assignment. The sound of keying-typing in the library is sort of calming and I’m feeling a little sleepy. Today fills like a hollow day—you know, one of those days where you feel kind of bleak? I thought yesterday was Friday until my mom told me otherwise, and I have a science project due today, but my stupid computer’s out of ink and I don’t have any money to buy more. I hate this.
          	Sorry. I’m reading back over this and am realizing how emo I sound. I know you aren’t here to read about my problems, but it feels good to get them out in the open. Maybe that’s why I am so in love with writing—I feel like I’m living my life through my characters, like they’re doing the things I wish I had the time and nerve to do. Like hotwire cars and break into high security organizations.
          	I think I’ll shove out now. As always, keep checking in. I’ll have a lot of spare time over the break to work on the first chapter—and maybe I’ll even finish it! One can only hope.
                                                                                       Read on, 
                                                                                        Demi ;)


          A little excerpt from the first chapter (under the EXTREMELY inventive and original title, Sneek Peek 2) of my newest project--tell me what you think, give me pointers. Constructive criticism is appreciated! And keep checking in--I'll try to get the entire first chapter on here soon. 
                                                                                      Read on,
                                                                                            Demi ;)