WHY DOES EVERY YOUTUBER WITH A GOOD PLATFORM AND A HUGE FAN BASE ALWAYS HAVE TO MESS THINGS UP FOR THEMSELVES?!! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO JUST KEEP DOING WHAT YOU WERE DOING WITHOUT DOING SOME SKETCHY MESS BEHIND EVERYONE'S BACK?!?! JESUS!! If I ever become a YouTuber I'm gonna make sure that no matter what, I'm not gonna pull any of the classic canceled moves. I dont like kids so I'm no groomer, I have no problem with the lgbtq+ so I'm not homophobic, I'm no bragger, I'm no beggar, I'm no poser, I'm no LIER, I'm not sexist, I'm not racist, I'm not one to degrade another based off of their religion, I could care less about how FAT someone is because who cares If your a little big- I happen to find it cute, AND I very much like the "special" I find them fun and interesting. I swear bro, I don't understand why people always find some way to do the wrong thing at the WORST time.