@BananaMilkshakeLover awww se ven re tiernos... XD jejej oyeee mandame ese chap!!!! (el tuyo y el mio....) yy te lees el ultimo chap de 24 days y me das ideas :D grax.... esque me inspiro gracias a ti... jajajaja eso suena en exseso stalkerish.... bueeeno um.. chao... y 16 days till my B DAY!!! yay!
- Att dany.../ patz /has hablado con ana? / whatzzuppp/ the sky...
HEY YOU!!! Check out the new chapter of Color Me Softly!!! You don't have to read if if you don't want to, just go to the very last page :) I promise you that you won't regret it!! Actually I got inspiration for that ending because of your comment, hint hint :)
im not really sure but i think you put the chapters backwards, its like jumps from the talent compition to the one you already wrote. and thank you AGAIN, lolz, but it really means a lot8D