
This letter is for you.
          Finish reading it.
          It's worth it.
          I asked an angel to take care of you last night.
          But he's back.
          I asked him, "Why?" The angel replied, "Angels don't need angels to take care of them."
          There are twenty angels by your side
          Ten of them are sleeping.
          Nine are playing.
          Another is reading the letter.
          God has witnessed your struggle against the difficulties of life
          And God says the suffering is over.
          Soon you will be blessed.
          If you believe in God,
          Just send this letter to 14 friends.
          Including me. . .
          If you hadn't sent me this letter back,
          So I guess you don't think of me as a friend. As long as you get five responses.
          Someone you love will surprise you quietly. This is no joke.
          Pass on this letter
          Please don't ignore it.
          You're being tested.
          And tonight God will help you solve two big things in your life.
          If you believe in God,
          And passed on the letter.
          Tomorrow will be the best day of your life.
          Please send this letter to fourteen friends in ten minutes
          There's nothing to it,
          It's not as hard as it looks. . .
          Whoever sent you this letter,
          You're my true friend.
          After reading it, remember to forward (including me)
          Don't lie to me. You have to do it.
          Send 0 friends, and your friends will slowly alienate you.
          Send it to five friends, and the ghost sleeps in your bed tonight.
          Send it to 10 friends, ghost pressing bed tonight.
          Send it to 15 friends, and someone will like you.
          Send it to 20 friends, and someone will tell you.


@AnG5435 This letter is for you.
            Finish reading it.
            It's worth it.
            I asked an angel to take care of you last night.
            But he's back.
            I asked him, "Why?" The angel replied, "Angels don't need angels to take care of them."
            There are twenty angels by your side
            Ten of them are sleeping.
            Nine are playing.
            Another is reading the letter.
            God has witnessed your struggle against the difficulties of life
            And God says the suffering is over.
            Soon you will be blessed.
            If you believe in God,
            Just send this letter to 14 friends.
            Including me. . .
            If you hadn't sent me this letter back,
            So I guess you don't think of me as a friend. As long as you get five responses.
            Someone you love will surprise you quietly. This is no joke.
            Pass on this letter
            Please don't ignore it.
            You're being tested.
            And tonight God will help you solve two big things in your life.
            If you believe in God,
            And passed on the letter.
            Tomorrow will be the best day of your life.
            Please send this letter to fourteen friends in ten minutes
            There's nothing to it,
            It's not as hard as it looks. . .
            Whoever sent you this letter,
            You're my true friend.
            After reading it, remember to forward (including me)
            Don't lie to me. You have to do it.
            Send 0 friends, and your friends will slowly alienate you.
            Send it to five friends, and the ghost sleeps in your bed tonight.
            Send it to 10 friends, ghost pressing bed tonight.
            Send it to 15 friends, and someone will like you.
            Send it to 20 friends, and someone will tell you.


Excuse me, @Wwongg. I'm already waiting for you in the Private Messages area. I even followed you so that we can communicate easily without any issues.


@Wwongg Did you get my new message this morning?


@NurAfrinaNazifa I sent you a message almost one week ago and it didn't work. Now I sent you some messages, see if it worked :D
            Mybe it was my internet having issues again-


@Wwongg  Did you send the message already? 'cause I don't see it popping up. Usually, when there's a message being sent, it sends out a notification. But from the looks of it, I'd say the reason why this happened is because of some issues occurring on the Internet, such as Internet connection issues for instance. If I may, try to set your phone/tablet to sleep, wait for about 24 hours, wake it up and follow me. I don't know if this will help, but feel free to give it a try.


Excuse me, @Wwongg. Are you a fan of BoBoiBoy, Kingdom Hearts and Sonic the Hedgehog? Because I am as well, along with Star Darlings and Twisted Wonderland. I also happen to watch a few anime series myself, such as Fruits Basket, Horimiya and recently From ARGONAVIS!.


@NurAfrinaNazifa Its only one right? Hmmmm. Well, My Chinese sign is a Goat/Sheep/Ram and my Western sign is Gemini (twins). But as a suggestion, I would need more information, like how the story would go and etc. If you don't mind, could you tell me what is your story about?
            Oh, and the Sonic The Hedgehog, Boiboiboy and Kingdom Hearts crossover... maybe BBB or Sonic's world got consumed by darkness and they try to fix that? They search different worlds and idk, BBB or Sonic end up in their journey by accident? Im just giving some ideas haha. If you want, we can talk in Private Messages :D


@Wwongg You know, I've been planning on making a Sonic the Hedgehog, BoBoiBoy and Kingdom Hearts crossover series lately, featuring my Sonic OCs. But I haven't started yet because I'm quite busy with my life. That, and because I don't have any ideas for how the story in my planned crossover series would go. Not only that, I was also planning on making a Kingdom Hearts x female zodiac reader series, both Western and Chinese. Except I have trouble on which zodiac sign to choose from the Western zodiac and the Chinese zodiac. If you wanna know the signs of the Western and Chinese zodiac signs, here's the list:
            Western zodiac: Aries (Ram), Taurus (Bull), Gemini (Twins), Cancer (Crab), Leo (Lion), Virgo (Maiden), Libra (Scales), Scorpio (Scorpion), Sagittarius (Archer), Capricorn (Sea-Goat), Aquarius (Water Bearer) and Pisces (Fish)
            Chinese zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat/Sheep/Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig/Boar


@NurAfrinaNazifa Yep sure I am! I heard of Twisted Wonderland but couldn't play it yet qwq. I also watch other anime, the ones you mentioned weren't really my type, but they are not bad either, please don't take it personally ;).