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Hey I had two questions about your story 'Gentle, Please!'
          1.What is Elliot's eye and hair colour? And what is Ricky's hair colour?
          2. Do they have stairs in their house? I mean the Warrens probably don't because of Elliot's condition but what about Ricky's house?


I read leading love and it made me follow you..... Indeed you are not well with descriptions but the way you write is what pulled me in. I'm glad I stayed , the book was amazing. I was honestly hoping Ramon and I believe the younger brothers name was Henry or Harry ? I was hoping to get a spon off with those two but lol it was finished in 2019 but I'm here if you ever decide to do more with the family. 


@endlessriver17 Def will check those out and seriously you have done such great work, can't wait till you publish one day


@ endlessriver17  hehe thankyuu <3, probably won't do a spin off for that one though. Uni life got me too busy to actually publish anything regularly. But I have another gang/mafia story coming up, maybe this might catch your eye


Wooow I’m reading “Suppressed” and just woow let me say the sex scene , your writing skills is fantastic, have fun with the story so far and so excited to read more of your work. ❤️❤️


@ Doya_k  jeez too much praise in here *-* thankyuu, comments like these make me miss writing so much


@Doya_k Hi,even i loved it.kinda like my first few books i started reading after a long time and i was impressed by the author and how it got to me.


Hi, I’ve just finished reading “ Gentle, Please” and ohhhhh god this is really a good one, I really enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing your talent with us 