
I’m sick and I’ve thrown up like ten times, send help 


So the bartender in the campaign I’m in rn got murdered-
          I might need some help solving it (my character never had education T-T) bc our fighter thought it was a character named Dave (our fourth character named Dave) which was actually 3 cobalts in a trench coat (who was VERY MUCH INNOCENT) and we had to go through a whole Ace Attorney thing, and now we’re back to square one (and our one player’s character died for A SECOND TIME upon request bc he accidentally made his character insufferable) but I’m thinking it’s the wife, who had a very loose alibi but I’m still unsure and I need help T-T


Shout out to all the ppl with birthdays on/near holidays, cuz those birthdates usually SUCK! My birthday is usually around thanksgiving, but it’s ON IT this year, so I’ve never rlly Been able to have parties bc ppl were away with family, and no one rlly focused on it so it wasn’t often celebrated with relatives. Idk if y’all’s holiday birthdays are also terrible but mine have always been. Wishing y’all a happy birthday ❤️


Soo, update on my last post.. I got our dwarf rouge killed :’)


@Wrenthegreat912  he rolled a nat 1 on his saving throw, his new character hates me tho, so that’s deserved 


I screwed my entire party over . Story is, so our fighter one shotted the main enemy we were supposed to fight so the dm, on the spot, had us fight 3 random armored dudes (ment for LEVEL ONE PLAYERS) and we spent the rest of the session fighting them (when it ended we were in the middle of the fight) but so I was on 4 hp, same as our dwarf rouge , and I asked the fighter to  heal me, which he did, then I ran away from the conflict and cuddled my rabbit (oh yeah, I bought a rabbit off of a dude, his name is Dave :) ) but yeah. I also have demon armor now, which is legit no help at all.


love DnD, I grappled an enemy and now he's just our party's friend (DM was NOT expecting that), our human rough said "i'm not here", roled a 2 on persuasion but a 22 on stealth so the army didn't believe him until he just hid in the shadows, I threw our party's dwarf rouge over a line of soldiers, and I suffocated the leader with the portable hole I got, which is also full of gold (thanks to the goblin shopkeeper who gave it to me for free bc he was scared to it, lol) DnD is great :D


Club again today, it was fun and learned a fellow player and the DM both listen to Stinky Dragon so that's nice :). I also got a lightning javelin (yes I had to look that up) and I really don't remember how. I didn't explain that my character is demon Robin hood with the powers of beast boy (tiefling, chaotic good criminal, druid)


update on the campaign I'm currently in, two more people joined, choosing to be a rouge and a bard, so now our part consists of 3 rouges, a fighter, a druid, and a bard. The bard has taking a liking to my character, calling her "tall woman". My character also took 6 ROUNDS OF COMBAT TO ACTUALLY SEE THE ENEMY. I need new dice