
     Sometimes I think I like girls.  how they dress, what their hair is, how their perfume smells.  I like to look at them and admire their beauty, and sometimes I even think and come back to them long after seeing them.
          	     But sometimes ... I prefer boys.  The fact that I can get along with them or just start talking to my friends about them.  I like that they are taller, that I can find something I like in them.  I like their big sweatshirts that keep you warm in winter and that they care for you like a loved one.  I also like when they are assholes and break hearts or challenge.
          	     Most of the time, however, I don't know what I like.  I don't like girls or boys.  I am not drawn to those delicate hair, light makeup or nails.  I'm not drawn to that hair, masculine perfumes or assholes.  My heart doesn't ring like a bell when I see them, and my cheeks don't turn pink.
          	     Often I don't know what I like and I tell people some stupid things about myself.  But how can I tell them what I like when I don't even know what I like?
          	             I'm a question mark. I'm unknown, but proud of it.
          	      I'm not straight, I'm not gay, and I'm not bisexual.  I am just myself and I am proud of it.  I love who I love and that is the most important thing for me.
          	     So just be yourself too.  Even if someone doesn't accept it.  Remember that I am with you and I stand behind you by a wall. 
          	                               ♡ I'm so proud of you ♡


Nic nie rozumiem


@Wyimaginowana__  I'm very proud of u!! <33


          Zaczęłam pisać nową książkę i bardzo chciałam cię zaprosić do przeczytania!
          Dzisiaj wrzuciłam pierwszy rozdział, dlatego nie ma dużo do czytania, więc byłabym wdzięczna, gdybyś znalazła chwilkę i wpadła na mój profil <3
          Jeśli ci się spodoba, możesz zostawić coś po sobie i dać znać, co o niej myślisz :)


     Sometimes I think I like girls.  how they dress, what their hair is, how their perfume smells.  I like to look at them and admire their beauty, and sometimes I even think and come back to them long after seeing them.
               But sometimes ... I prefer boys.  The fact that I can get along with them or just start talking to my friends about them.  I like that they are taller, that I can find something I like in them.  I like their big sweatshirts that keep you warm in winter and that they care for you like a loved one.  I also like when they are assholes and break hearts or challenge.
               Most of the time, however, I don't know what I like.  I don't like girls or boys.  I am not drawn to those delicate hair, light makeup or nails.  I'm not drawn to that hair, masculine perfumes or assholes.  My heart doesn't ring like a bell when I see them, and my cheeks don't turn pink.
               Often I don't know what I like and I tell people some stupid things about myself.  But how can I tell them what I like when I don't even know what I like?
                       I'm a question mark. I'm unknown, but proud of it.
                I'm not straight, I'm not gay, and I'm not bisexual.  I am just myself and I am proud of it.  I love who I love and that is the most important thing for me.
               So just be yourself too.  Even if someone doesn't accept it.  Remember that I am with you and I stand behind you by a wall. 
                                         ♡ I'm so proud of you ♡


Nic nie rozumiem


@Wyimaginowana__  I'm very proud of u!! <33


Było buzi, to jest potwierdzone i uwiecznione 
          Ps. Jest gorąca 


Szczęścia <3


@ Wyimaginowana__  słodko 


Wybaczcie, ale rozdziały będą dopiero po powrocie do domu. Do 8 jestem u rodziny, a potem wracam, więc napiszę coś teraz na zapas w razie czego. 
          Poza tym - 3 sierpień. Spotkam się z dziewczyną!! Będę mogła się wam pokazać razem z moją stokroteczką! Znaczy - zależy jeśli pozwoli na chwalenie się nią. 


@ Wyimaginowana__  POG


          0:00 ━❍──────── 0:00
          ↻     ⊲  Ⅱ  ⊳     ↺
          VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
          → Mask - Dream
          → Taunt - Lovejoy
          → One day - Lovejoy
          → Story of my life - One Direction
          → La da dee - Cody Simpson
          → Because I had you - Shawn Mendes
          → Mutual - Shawn Mendes
              Just listen with me :)


@ Wyimaginowana__  jeszcze sex sells i sie dolaczam


@Wyimaginowana__  plz kocham twój gust muzyczny 


@Wyimaginowana__  akurat leci mi w słuchawkach "One day" XD


Wybaczcie mi jeśli nie będę aż tak aktywna na wattpadzie. Wiecie - wakacje i te sprawy. Niby nie mam planów, ale jednak cały czas są jakieś zajęcia. Spokojnie - faraway będzie cały czas pisane, ale czasem pojawi się jeden, czasem dwa rozdziały. Po prostu trzeba mi weny na to. 


To co? Po wakacjach do starszej klasy/nowej szkoły? 
          Czuję się staro myśląc, że idę do 3 technikum xDD


@ Wyimaginowana__  Tymczasem ja która będzię szła do siódmej klasy podstawówki lol


@Mari_2505  o Jezus XDD ja czytając odpowiedzi stąd już stwierdziłam, że jestem serio stara
            Jakby patrzeć jednka po wieku to niczym nie odbiegam od osób z 1/2 technikum 


@Wyimaginowana__  CO. Jak ja dopiero do 8 będę szła avdhxix ale staruch z ciebie