
A harmincadik fejezet ismét olvasható! Remélem, ez a változat is elnyeri a tetszéseteket!
          	Szép estét mindenkinek! <3


Tysm for writing this book! As a person who’s not even close to Hungary, or being Hungarian it’s still such an enjoyable read. Im learning Hungarian for 7 years now, but according to the fact that it’s quite a hard language, Im not too good at it, but this book is still “easy” to read, and Im really happy to be able to read it. So I just wanna thank you for all, and I hope the next chapter is coming soon! 


@WylanSunshine   Idk the name I’ve read it years agoooo, but if I found it I’ll let u know!!


@urfavimolaa_ and may I ask which book it reminds you of? <3