
It went better than I could have imagined so thanks everyone for their support it definitely helped!!! Onto a healthier, happier, better life for the kiddos and me!!!


@WyntyrRose good news... things will work our for you in future 


Yay I’m so happy for y’all 


How are you, Rose? (wanted to check on you, even if it's coming from a stranger) I hope you're doing okay and I want you to know, you're one of the most gorgeous souls out there. Take your time and don't stress yourself to much. Have a great day <3


I was just reading the history of the forgotten I don’t think a book has ever made me cry so much but I am individually reading all your books please keep up the AMAZING work you have brought me out of my reading slump you and your writing are amazing ⭐️


It went better than I could have imagined so thanks everyone for their support it definitely helped!!! Onto a healthier, happier, better life for the kiddos and me!!!


@WyntyrRose good news... things will work our for you in future 


Yay I’m so happy for y’all 


Hey Loves,
          Sorry I haven't been on much lately. I have been busy working since I am the only provider for the kids. Their father has not sent a dime nor has he seen the kids since I have left him due to his adultery and his mistress bragging about it on Tiktok. I am slowly getting back to finding the time and the passion to write again. The kids are happy and I have finally heard from my attorney about our first court date, Jan 3rd. I am super nervous about it and hoping it goes my way since it's in regards to keeping the children and me in Oklahoma where we are thriving. I will let everyone know how it goes and thank you for all your support through everything. I love each and every one of you!


@WyntyrRose continue to strive for you and your kids.  You will make it past this.  You are too good for him, as your kids grow, they'll see all truths themselves.  Thank you for all of your wonderful stories. 


@WyntyrRose I don't know if this is accurate where you are but where I'm located I was able to have a support person go into court with me the two times I was needed during so panic filled years with my family issues in court. You might see if this is something that you could get because it really helped me and she was able to help me when my brain shutdown during court as well.


I hope the New Year brings you everything you and your kids need and deserve 