
A very long term absence... Yet I come back finishing two more chapters of my book "She". Which I hope will not disappoint.



After an extremely long absence from Wattpad, so many of life's distractions got in the way such as becoming extremely unwell and being busy with the family. I hope to get back into writing and hopefully finishing one of my many stories that I started here. Currently reviewing, editing and brainstorming further progress.


Hi all, have been away for a very long time. Many hurdles, but the tale would be quite a story... very long and at times very bland... In the realm of writing, I have had some serious authors block issues. Not getting very far at all. When I can't continue, I find myself carrying on with some of my art. I even develop artists block at times. Haha.
          Though general life has me doing my paces, between family,  my critters and my health, it has been a ride. Hope all of you have been well, and keep creating your awesome stories. All the best. S-J


Thanks so much for reading and voting on Cinder and the Stone Man! I hope you're enjoying it :) you may also enjoy some of the other fantasy and young adult romance I've written, as well!


@salonikavale I am enjoying your book quite a lot. I really like how you've essentially turned a traditional story quite on it's head with your own version and turned it into something more. I'm finding all the twists and turns quite fun. :)