
Sorry that I have not updated anything in a LONG TIME, my mental health has been playing up very day and now that its "summer" my body not taking the heat well which is nothing new for me, it just been hard to sleep, I don't know about you all but I can not sleep if am too hot and I also can't sleep without covers on as part of my anxiety so yeah am not really helping myself there lol. Hopefully, I can get back and finish or add to what I have. I really wanna get back to work on the Red Flu.


Sorry that I have not updated anything in a LONG TIME, my mental health has been playing up very day and now that its "summer" my body not taking the heat well which is nothing new for me, it just been hard to sleep, I don't know about you all but I can not sleep if am too hot and I also can't sleep without covers on as part of my anxiety so yeah am not really helping myself there lol. Hopefully, I can get back and finish or add to what I have. I really wanna get back to work on the Red Flu.


Hoping to start chapter two on my Red Flu story tomorrow, I'm back in the writing mood, am still pissed over what happened but am at the "what's done is done" part but am still not talking to them or ever looking at them, I been called childish about it but I just say F you lol. 


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Well i now feel like just just found out my sister put her dog down, and i don't believe the shit story she gave me it's because they can't be assed to work with him, take him for long walks, that's the reason he goes for them, he needed walking and they can't sit there and say we got not place to take him, they have a fucking car,
          I can't even look at them, i don't even want to take to them, they just spent £120 on destroying a life that did no needed destroyed, its going to take a long fucking time before i even think of forgiving them, 


OH MY LORD ehehe, when to my pre-owned DVD shop to get season one of the Last ship on DVD so O can stop having to wait for my net to want to load stuff for me to watch it, and they where like well we have it the back ready to go out, and am like ok when would that be and he was like when I can be assed to put it out, no joke that is what he said, and I was like ok then I'll just look in a shop that can be assed to do their work then, just walked out leaving the game and other DVD I was going to buy just sitting there on the counter I could not be added putting them back lol, 
          I'll just have to get it online which I don't mind, But I some time like to go into shop and buy something work for it all the waking and risking my life with how crazy bus drivers are lol


Well I have lost all my work on my laptop, I don't know what happened, My laptop was telling me something about disk space said it wanted to restart  ones it did that and came back on half of my photo and music where gone and all of my Document where gone so all my story, all my bullet list for them gone, so I now ones again have to start from new and I can't remember anything I had down for them, I guess this is what I get for forgetting to back everything up on my USB, what it the point of having a 64gb USB pen when am never using it,
          So I thought as I think about if I want to redo my old story again I would work on a new one for the show The last Ship at the moment is just getting called The Red Flu the name may change as I work more on it or it may never change, I will post a little WIP to see what people think and if I should keep going.