Hello everybody!
Long time no see. I apologize for my absence,, I'vee been working on my own original novel which I cannot wait to share with you all. In the mean time however I am so excited to say I'm opening up my inbox for...
I know so many of you have enjoyed my FC5 works and the characters I developed within them. And if i'm honest, i really miss writing about them! So please send me a message with an idea and I will write a one shot based on the idea you send. Just a couple of rules:
- FC5 characters only please. If said characters bleed over into New Dawn that's okay too.
- You can request the deputies I have personally developed (Harlow/Athena/Cassie) or just keep it to Rook if you prefer the deputy to be ambiguous.
- I won't be doing pieces about your own individual deputies (yet). It would take a lot of time for me to fully embody your own character and I would worry that I wouldn't do them justice.
And so far that is it! I will start off by posting some of the old one shots and writing challenges I did a few years back to give you guys ideas, but all in all the floor is yours.
I can't wait to see what you guys approach me with and thank you for always celebrating my writing. It honestly means the world to me.
- XButton