
Should I, or should I not download Identity V?
          	I've been pondering for a while now


So, senior high is really a huge pain in the ass and I'm not getting enough "me time" and only get to go to WattPad at night time (Pacific Time), its stressful, and I don't get to do one of the things that I actually (and surprisingly) enjoy: which is role playing. Yes, I like to be in a role play but my f*cked up schedule isn't letting me have it. So all I have to say is I'm sorry for not getting to be here at times and I hope you know who you are, the person I'm apologizing to


Isn't this just nice??? We get typhoon after typhoon here in the Philippines, but it's worst in where I live: Baguio City. It's constantly raining and my room got flooded by at least an inch or centimeter of water 
          I'm starting my Senior High at Aug 1 and if this doesn't stop, it's gonna be one huge pain for me and every other students 


Currently watching a Be More Chill bootleg and the only thing on mind is: "I love these idiots, but I love George Salazar more of all these actors." 
          And I can't help but sing to all the songs, since their all so catchy and stuff 


Anyone know what apple cider tastes like? I'm kinda curious and if any of you asked, I drunk a smol amount of beer and it only made me dizzy... 
          WTF is wrong with me I'm having a half-sick (if you consider puking sick) and I'm wondering how apple cider tastes????? 


Graduating/Moving Up is/was a scary experience for me, as well as a sad but memorial moment as well
          Mines just right in the middle of scary yet sad, since I'm friends with people either older by 1 year or younger by 1 year than me. 
          Sad part: I'm moving schools, since mine closed it's Senior High. I'm leaving the younger ones and I won't be able to see those who are older than me since we will go to different schools. 
          Scary part: I moved to the school I was in around 5th grade and it was my first time being a new student, and it was terrifying to not knowing anyone at all. Now I have to do it all over again, but luckily, I have some of my classmates/batch mates going to the same school that I am 
          I just hope I can gain some self confidence at least, even for a little bit. But having social anxiety can bring some issues to my transferring, and I'm still recovering... Let's hope for some good years, I guess