
Hey guys. E3 is tomorrow, and I’m super excited. However, it also means we will be getting at least one new DLC smash fighter. Thus, I’ve written a couple of my predictions for the best DLC fighter. So if you want to give it a read, here it is! Enjoy!


Hey everybody. It's been a while.
          Sorry I haven't been writing and posting much lately. I've been busy with school and stuff and I haven't really gotten around to writing. In the time that I've been gone, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has come out, and I must say, it's fantastic. Even though it is out, I still plan to write for my Super Smash Bros. Ultimate work, and it seems to be my most popular work.
          I plan to write about my thoughts on the game and more predictions I have for DLC. However, I had a lot of other columns planned that I was planning to write before the November Direct came out and the game released; plus, I still need to finish my Top 5 Character Countdown.
          Good news! They will still be published. I am now writing these planned columns again with the mindset of having not seen what was announced in the November Direct. We already know if the theories are confirmed or not, but it's still fun to see and write what I predicted beforehand. So look forward to that. After all, I just published a new column on my previous prediction for a Story Mode. So enjoy that!
          I plan to write for my other stories soon too, but SSBU is my priority considering that it seems to be my most popular. But stay tuned for some more updates for MU Super Stories and MU Moments. :)
          That's all I got for now. See you guys later! :D


Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been updating much recently. I'm gonna try my best to update more often, so if you want a specific chapter of one of my works updated sooner, tell me and if others agree, I'll focus on that work first. 
          Also, I know you guys like my columns on SSBU, and I had a lot more ideas, but never got around to making them. Now everything is revealed, and it comes out in two more days! :D So yeah, I'll be posting some columns that I thought up of before recent directs, and they have already been confirmed or reconfirmed. But yeah, hope you enjoy reading those anyway. I will be doing a couple of columns on my thoughts on the game along with DLC predictions too. Stay tuned!
          But there's something else. I have just posted a new, completed work called Pyro. It's an original Greek myth I created, and it only consists of one part (since it is a short story.) So yeah, hope you enjoy that! :D Updated Mario content should come next. 


@XGamer952 Love this so much


Hey everyone!
          I am sorry to keep you waiting, but it’s finally here! Chapter 3 of The Golden Games: Legend of the Emerald Mushroom is up! I hope you enjoy, it’s been so long since this has been updated. But hopefully it was worth the wait! I should be updating things on Wattpad more frequently now, so hope you enjoy future updates to come! :D I’ll see you around!


So apparently there is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate direct on August 8th. And I have mixed feelings about that. One, heck yeah; we are getting more information on smash and thats awesome! However, now I like have two days to write my predictions for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, because I feel like a lot will be revealed. So for the next few days, I will be solely focusing on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so hope you enjoy that. 
          After this is done, expect a Golden Games update! :D


Hey everyone! Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying my recent stories.
          So here’s just a breakdown of what is going on in reference to this profile.
          The Golden Games - I’m sorry I haven’t been updating this. It hasn’t really been in my priority. But the view and vote counts show that you guys like the book and i will try to update it sometime soon.
          Kings - I’m probably not going to focus on this for awhile; I’d rather write other stuff first. Hopefully I’ll get to it.
          Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - This is one of my bigger priorities. I hope you guys are enjoying the new updates, and I also enjoy writing this. I mean, I’ve got to work fast to get all my ideas out before more information is revealed.
          MU Super Stories - I’m finally getting back into this. I’ve published the second story, Luigi’s Spaghetti, and I plan to write more stories quite soon. Hope you enjoy.
          MU Moments - Ots going strong. I’ll publish Wave 5 soon, and that will be the last full wave of 20, since we’ve almost published all of the MU Moments. Hope you guys enjoy this.
          That’s about it. I hope you guys enjoy my work and I can’t wait to write more for you guys to enjoy. I’ll see you soon! :D


 But I am happy to say that Chapter 3 of the Golden Games is being worked on and hopefully will be out soon. :D