Okay, heya gang, long time huh? Well I've done a massive overhaul of this account and I've taken down the books that should have been taken down.
          	I hope y'all are doing okay, take care now :)


Hey, I hope you’re taking care too! I had to do a lot of work on my account as well :’)


Okay, heya gang, long time huh? Well I've done a massive overhaul of this account and I've taken down the books that should have been taken down.
          I hope y'all are doing okay, take care now :)


Hey, I hope you’re taking care too! I had to do a lot of work on my account as well :’)


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I've just reopened this app after getting an email, I'm not even sure what to do anymore like I adore writing but it's just different to even get myself going? Like I've got books in difficult fandoms and I have a felling I'm gonna get a fuck ton of hate for it but I just adore different fandoms it's hard and people should understand this.


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O K.                              The Misfits:
          R A N T.                  sorry to people who I                                           
          I M B O U N D.                  Trigger
          Ok, so we all enjoy the Misfits right? And recently they have blown up on social media, which is amazing because we really do need so crude and dark humor in our lives.
          Recently the people who I follow just change their mind about the weather and one minute they're literally like 'oh the Misfits are cool' and the next they literally scream 'OH MY GOD! DICK ME DOWN DAD'. Like come the fuck on, for fucks sakes the gbg or misfits are in their early-mid to late 20's and 30's and I really don't think they'd want loads of hormone crazed teens screaming on their social media. 
          Mason himself has mentioned something like this before. Like it can be really unnerving to see it too.
          Like I love them just as much as the next person does but it just gets too much sometimes and it really puts me and other people off watching them. 
          There is another thing but I don't think I will rant about that because I know shit will hit the fan.
          But I'm done, rant over, and to those fans who are literally over doing it way too much, please, please try to tone it down a notch, It really does fucking help.


@KuudereGeek Yeah, at the moment its the reason why i have stopped watching them.


@XIXPACKMENXIX Totally agree! Crazy, high on hormones teenagers have ruined a few fandoms/groups for me as well. Some of their fans can be really toxic with these types of things and drive away people from the fanbases as well. Eddsworld was one of those fandoms for me.


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Don't you ever feel like your favorite YouTubers who you have watched for like what? 4-5 years are slowly dying? I fucking feel like that right now. Like I am going to rant about this soon but like seriously it breaks my heart.


            Nah, it's fine. Go for it


@DerpyDerp87 like I'm sorry to say this but my next rant may upset or trigger you and I apologise for it.


Hey guys, 
          I know I've active but I'm going to be taking down What Happened?! Because I have no Time for it at all... but I will upload when it is finished an completed. 
          There are just too many errors in the book that makes me cringe so much, so I am going to unpublish is and republish it when it is completed and has a good storyline, because to be brutally honest I stole the storyline from another author without asking their permission, ((12 year old me thought it'd be an absolutely fantastic idea to steal someone else's)), I am aware that this'll take a lot of time because I just fell out of love for the fandom and now that it has broken down altogether is just bull shite. 
          But anyway when I do republish the book it'll be a lot better, I hope, thanks!
          -EJ xx
          P. S this will take a long time because I am focusing on my other books instead.