
I GOT TO SEE MELANIE MARTINEZ. IT WAS SO AWESOME. I love her so much lmao. She brought out the lesbian and trans pride flags at the end as well ✨


Hello there, 
          Just stopping by to say thank you so much for voting for my book, "Waiting for you"...I hope you are enjoying the story and continue enjoying it till the end. Thank you again for voting...and if you would like you can also follow me so you can easily have contact with me and my work. Your votes means a lot to me... and if you have any doubt or thoughts to share...you are always welcome to message me...and if you'd like....please feel free to comment for the chapters as well.....
          Have a nice day...
          With Love❤️,
          Luranshiya Prince 


THE WRITERS BLOCK KEEPS COMING AND GOING. This story may or may not be longer than the first carzwell’s (??). We’re still working on the entire new book. I’m gonna announce the name of it after we get to the first major plot point and it’s summary. There’s nothing really going on just, “OH WOW LOOK, THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARE RICH!”


Part 1 of the very first book that I'm writing alone unless I call @Kaite55 for help, is now up! God forbid I try to write something, my efforts are usually put aside and not paid attention to. My father being the one who usually says I do nothing all day. Ik he's jelous that he can't stay home and write all day. Ah, tea…(*´∀`)_旦


A little update since I haven't been here for a while. My family from across the country is in town right now so I'm visiting them this afternoon. We're supposed to be setting off fireworks tonight; and yes, I am aware of America's situation  currently but fireworks are still very pretty to see. I made it on the flag team as well so I'm happy about that! I also had tryouts for my professional high school choir group, I made it as a soprano which is quite shocking actually. I would also like to mention that @Kaite55 is also on the flag team with me BUT she bailed out on the professional choir group part. @Kaite55 , that musical you were in must've worn you out-


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@XKikoXx Hell the fuck yea it did! I'm fucking done with Mr.S and his BS


Flag Auditions is on the upcoming Monday for me… IM GONNA P!SS MYSELF.  @Kaite55 is mad at me because I ditched her in cheer for flag


@XKikoXx Not my fault I wasn't good enough for their stupid squad


@Kaite55 you know how bad it would be if I got in with Morrigan and Audrey and you didn’t  


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@XKikoXx Well guess what bitch cheers tryouts are tomorrow and I'm gonna fucking fail TwT I suck at cheer!! One HS girl said it wasn't us freshman's fault that Ms. Gibson didn't really care and only wanted the money and didn't properly train us for HS! I NEVER WANTED TO DO CHEER IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!


Me and my friend @Kaite55 have OFFICIALLY released the teaser for the SECOND BOOK of "The Carwells". If you haven't read or even seen the first and original one, please got check it out on her profile! It would make her day to have more followers and people read her stories!


I HATE AUTOCORRECT SO GODD@MN MUCH- I JUST NOTICED IT TOO  It’s supposed to say “The Carzwells” with a “z” . 