Dude u alright? of course gods alive and he loves you he sent me to tell you this don't forget that the devil didn't create you God, the father, did he loves you no matter what you do, just ask for forgiveness and let him in to your heart. You probably think I'm just another Christian saying what I think but your wrong I Know God is really I just had to "open my eyes to see him" let him into your heart some time the pain in the begging of being a Christian is worth it in the end. So get to the door he's knocking hurry before the devil gives you another reason not to answer the door. Also a movie you should check out is God's not dead, great film. Hopefully u will take my lil speech to heart and accept him there. I've been through some tough stuff too and I'm going through more but I know God's with me everyday of it so plz give him a chance he's awesome! Jesus will lead u to him. OK I'll wrap it up now because you probably are getting tired of what a proud Christian has to say, Jesus said "those who deny me before man shall be denied before my father in heaven" think about that. Hope to chat with you in the future c ya!