

Ok guys so I am making the Minecraft world for the book then I will start writing. I am also going to make myself an Autobiography and put everything in it up on wikipedia :P So here we go. The book will be called "The Wild Adventures of The Iron Freak" it will star a new player in Minecraft who soon finds out he has the power to spawn anything he wants- IN SURVIVAL and that he can switch to an invincible state for about 20 secs. Looking for names for the new character, so guys email Tholinar92@gmail.com with any ideas. This book may have some FCs in it after a while depending on how it goes. and I might be able to act some of it out on Xbox shortly (Xbox live gamertag xXTholinarDBHXx) k thx bai


Ok guys part 4 of TNES ( The Neverending Story) is coming along quite slower than the other 2 actual story parts, so please bear with me my 5 followers!!!! It is a bit harder to put together since I am inferring what to add based off of all of my followers' names and profile pics


hey guys I just found this thing to post on my profile  lol well nayways still trying to figure out the full extent of what I can do on here so yeah. But anyways for any of my YT fans who have found me on here NO. I HAVE NOT QUIT YT. ALL OF MY RECORDING STUFF STOPPED WORKING. AND BLOCKHEADS WONT WORK AT ALL. But I have gotten *hint hint* MC PE. Maybe thag will calm me untill 1.6 blockheads when I can make jetpacks... Things better be solar powered


@XTholDoesBlockheadsX my god the typos I make with the mobile version