Sad to admit but I sorta miss school 
          	By that I totally don't mean actual school more like the friends 


@XXAXXZXX i miss you so much and seeing/talking to you everyday


my books are dedicated 
          to four people who found me by chance, 
          to four people who pulled me out of my darkest hours,
          to four people who know each other like the back of their hands, 
          to four people who stole what was left of my heart, 
          im glad i have them and im glad that they found me,
          im glad that one boy had the gut to say hello to me, 
          im glad that he introduced me to his friends, 
          im glad that they liked me, 
          im glad the didn't shun me like the others did, 
          im glad that they are my friends,
          im glad that i love them with what i have left.