
Hi guys! 
          	If you have any questions about any one of my books, feel free to leave a message on here and I'll respond as soon as I possibly can. Thank you. Love y'all. 
          	Ella going offline xx


Hi guys!
          So I just want to give a shoutout to @tahira13tahira because her short, positive comments on Mother Nature always make me smile. Thank you. Love y'all. 
          Ella going offline xx


@XXEllaFrancesXX   I'm glad that I made you smile 
            Thanks for the shoutout though


Hi guys! Apparently, @ms_horrendous will review my book on YouTube! How exciting is that! So make sure you go and check it out when it goes out. Her YouTube username is the same as her Wattpad one. Make sure you go and subscribe and turn notifications on! Thanks. Love y'all. 
          Ella going offline xx