Well that depends per pers9n as s9me may find certain lengths 9f speech l9ng and 9thers can find that very same am9unt sh9rt. Also, I tend t9 lecture n9t 6ecause I like d9ing s9 6ut t9 inf9rm pe9ple 9f the triggering acts they c9mmit, 9r the triggering things they 9ccasi9nally say. Sadly many pe9ple f9rget t9 tag themselves 9r and 9r trigger warn themselves s9 I am f9rced t9 sc9ld and remind them t9 d9 s9. I als9 talk a69ut my triggers plenty as I’d like tr9lls t9 kn9w what triggers me s9 they d9 n9t accidentally d9 s9. D9es this explanati9n help explain t9 y9u wether I talk al9t 9r n9t? If n9t I can g9 m9re in depth as t9 why s9me may think s9 and why s9me may n9t.