
@RainyDays_ I could most definitely look at them and try to see what I can do. :)


@X_ReadingIsMyLife_X thank you so much! u r so sweet


@TashaLoll Thank you for the encouragement. The reason as to why I don't post my stories is because they do not really make sense. My mind cannot stay focused on one story line and decided to jump onto another idea before I have the time to figure out the current story that I would currently be working on. Also, I'm not good when it comes to characters. I'm trying to improve and reading tips along with stories helps me to a certain degree. And I'm an extreme "grammar natzi". Well in English class that's what I'm referred to when it comes to grading classmates papers haha. But anyways, I will try to start a story, stick with it, and post it for others to see and give feedback. So thank you once again for the encouragement and I really appreciate you pushing me to try to post. So I shall ttyl and continue reading your book(s) and giving feedback. :)


Just read you bio... Now tell me... WHAT DO U MEAN YOUR NOT THAT GOOD?! Okay I think you should post, you don't have to... But getting feedback from readers makes our books so much better! As for me I would read anything, I love somes first book they've written, because as I read it I can see how they improve and grow, and judging by the amazing comments you have left on my book that have helped me so much, (THANK YOU AGAIN) I think your books would turn out amazing! Just sayin it would be reeeeaaaally good :3 no pressure or anything.... Maybe xP but just take what I have said into consideration coz I still think a book from you would be brilliant