
I'm going to go back an make small changes to Hush Little Baby, then hopefully continue writing the next chapter.


@FernandaDeluis Thank you so much!! I'm working on chapter 10 now :)


Hey! I'm a writer myself and write a lot of marvel fanfiction, I am absolutely in love and invested with this story and your writing potential is amazing. Listen, if you're struggling with chapter 10 we can always have a chat about it. I'm full of ideas man and I'd love to help out, desperately waiting for this update.
          Your potential is great and I love this story. <3


I thank you for standing up for my views in your comments earlier about abortion. And I sincerely applaud you for going into detail the actual truth in what it really is. The other person was really losing their argument!!
          Yes. People have the right/privilege of choice when it comes to their bodies,  but there are just some choices that should NOT be taken!!! That child is NOT part of their body!! 
          Ugh people are stupid!!!
          Buuut,  once again I thank you. And I wish for you to always retain that steady, knowledgeable, intelligence within you, the one that knows what's right.
          Much appreciation,


I'm still writing Hush Little Baby, but I'm just a tad stuck. If anyone has any ideas please let me know! 


@Chleb_x That is very helpful! Thank you!! I do want to try and write Wades POV again, it's a bit hard since I haven't exactly figured out what he's doing (I have a basic idea), but I'll probably end up doing his POV a few more times :)


@X_Winter_Rose_X I don't know if this is helpful but maybe more point of views from Wade? I'd love to slowly see him regret his decision.  Some general fluff with Peter being pregnant and acting cute (talking to his babies). ♡