The lack of inspiration and muse is big but the thing that weighs in more is EDS(ehlers danlos syndrome). It is only going backwards for me thus getting worse. My fingers, wrists, hands amongst other things, hurt a lot recently allowing me to not type that well or at all some days. It is often times hard for me to text friends etc so to write full chapters or books is even harder.
It saddens me since I truly love to write it is just hard becaue of my EDS.
I'd love to write again but I don't think it will be possible.
EDS also tires me out so I most of the time don't have the energy for most things anymore.
Do know I truly wish I could write again. It is just hard currently and am trying to find a solution for it so I can do so again without pain:)
I really do long for the days when I could upload a chapter every single day like I did with my first Dottolone book. I truly miss those times.