
Update of Crimes of Passion coming soon.


@Xander_M_Lucas you haven't updated in a whole year. Hope you're alright. Waiting still for the remainder of your book. Extremely well written .


Hey all! Just published a new story, its called 'College Education' and has sexy demons in it. Feel free to read the description for it and if you think it might be your thing I hope you read it and enjoy doing so. Please comment and message me feedback and reactions to it


Hello everyone!!
          I know that I said the new chapters for Crimes of Passion and The End We Share would be up before the end of July however it is my final term at school and it is CRAZY. So I probably won't be uploading for a while (November at the very latest) I hope you all can understand. 
          Thank you for your patience.


A little update for everyone, I am halfway through new chapters for Crimes of Passion and The End We Share, both should be up within the month. I'm also in the process of writing a new story, I'll reveal more as I develop it more.


@SalveShakya Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy reading it. Hopefully I will be able to get the new chapter up soon although I don't want to promise anything


@Xander_M_Lucas  thanks for writing crime of passion, enjoy reading it and cant wait to read the new update  


Hello Everyone!!
          Thank you all so much for 4 k views on Crimes of Passion!! 
          Currently I am working on chapters for a few different stories, such as:
          -Chapter 21 for 'The End We Share'
          -The new chapter for 'Crimes of Passion"
          So look forward to those, they are coming soon.
          Thank you all again for reading my stories, I honestly never thought anyone would read them so again thank you.