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Alright soo, all Emison readings who im hoping that have read almost every. Single. Emison. Stories of all sorts. With or without -A and other pll relatable blah blah etc. Im actually in need of help as i havent read Emison in ages Like waay last year i was unhealthly obsessed and back then the storylines were unbelievable and just awesome compared to some now recently (no offence intended) ermm... There is one that i cant find and all i remember is that it was about how snobby Alison was a bit and blah and Emily really trying for her and both of their parents are rich asf or i think its just Alison's side of fam and unfortunately for Alison Emilys family seem to be old childhood pals with the Dilaurentis well Pam and Ali's mom anyways, so after Emily happens to stay over Ali'd and annoy the fuck outta her and blah and then then omfg yeaah turns out Alison playin hard to get and then when Ems finally givin up Alison gets a lil soft. ANYWAY there was a part where their a redneck prank where Alison is coming home after late night, and its dark and Emily just pranks her and takes advantage getting a blindfold and kissin her blah blah. Thats the main i remember. So if ANYONE and i mean a n y o n e knows or has a clue on what this story might be, PLEASEEEE I BEG OF YOU OMFG TELL MEEEE!!!