
Hello~ I'd just like to say that I am slowly getting back into writing again - but there is a small thing that might upset some of you... I am not sure how I'd continue on the Fire Force fanfiction I was working on... However, I do have a new idea in work, that also is a Fire Force fanfic. I will keep the other one up, just in case I get some ideas for it, but I'll likely continue with a new one + my own private project, which is an original story, that will be with my own characters as the main focus. Thank you all for the support and kind words, I'll hopefully be back with something for you all soon.


Hello~ I'd just like to say that I am slowly getting back into writing again - but there is a small thing that might upset some of you... I am not sure how I'd continue on the Fire Force fanfiction I was working on... However, I do have a new idea in work, that also is a Fire Force fanfic. I will keep the other one up, just in case I get some ideas for it, but I'll likely continue with a new one + my own private project, which is an original story, that will be with my own characters as the main focus. Thank you all for the support and kind words, I'll hopefully be back with something for you all soon.


I'd like to let you all know that I have had a death in the family and that is why I have been away for this long... I am trying my hardest to get some writing done but the muse just isn't there, yet. I'll return once I get the inspiration for it, thank you all for the support!


I am currently still writing on the third chapter of the Fire Force fanfic, I need to go over the things I had so far, I feel like it moved forward a bit too quickly, so yeah...time to rewirte some parts. I do think once that's done, it should be ready for posting! :D a big thank you for the votes, reads and comments! <3


Great news! or well it's a bit of a mix - I am working on the next chapter of the Fire Force fanfic - I have been having some trouble since I got sick and then some other things happened too, but it is underway! and I can't wait to share it with all of you who cares and reads it c:


So, it has been a while - since I have given any  updates. I am still working on the fanfic, so fear not~ I have just been a bit stressed with a few things, so I haven't been able to sit down and write. Hopefully things should calm down a bit here soon!


Chapter one of The Fire in Us, have been updated. There was some mistakes that needed to be corrected, but it should be a better read now, I hope! I will continue the work on chapter two here today~ Hopefully it will be out soon. Thank you for reading <3