
Also sorry for all of.the grammar errors the keyboard that in typing this on is weird so sorry again


Hey if your reading this it means that you liked mz book or your are just wondering if I'm going to update and the answer is no I'm not going to update cuz I want to focus more on god and my school work sorry for all of that u was really plan I f on finishi f the book but then I read something out of the bible and I decided it best not to but u will let someone ether try to keep.in working from where I.left.off or. Idk have inspiration from my book idc if you want to keep.on writing from my book where.I.left.off just make.sure that you tell.me.once your.done.writing it or when your going to write it so.I can also.read.it pls and. Thank you!!


nope just stumbled across your profile 