
Well, this announcment is once more for the people that read "the black death" i was planning on uploading a chapter every week since i started the rewrite, but at this point i've already rewrote the Chap 2, which is pretty much a translation from 1 to 3, about 8 times.
          	Although i already have the basics for the next try down again it might only come at the end of the coming week. So around the 19th-20th of Jan.
          	With that,
          	Aegir, out!


Well, this announcment is once more for the people that read "the black death" i was planning on uploading a chapter every week since i started the rewrite, but at this point i've already rewrote the Chap 2, which is pretty much a translation from 1 to 3, about 8 times.
          Although i already have the basics for the next try down again it might only come at the end of the coming week. So around the 19th-20th of Jan.
          With that,
          Aegir, out!


Attention, Attention, 
          This is CMDR Aegir speaking. I need a vote of some sort, to help me with something. This is for the people that read "the black death" Azur lane fanfic.
          The 2nd chapter is pretty much completly finished, but there is just one thing i'm not sure of. That is if the Bismarck reinc. should be female or male. 
          Since i want the readers to have the best experience i'll ask, rather then to just put it in. You can put/-write your opinions simply under this announcment.
          With this, CMDR Aegir,


@Xauron like the main protag? If it's the stories main protag 
            Male is my choice 


          just had quick question for y'all. Been trying to access my stories over the "Write" -> "My stories" part, but am automatically getting redirected to the main page.
          Any idea on how to, (maybe) fix it?
          Thanks in advance.
          Aegir out.


Heyo everyone, 
          since i've seem to get more notifications on the old "The black death" story, i need your guy's opinion on sth. Should i just stop with the old version and simply continue with the new one. Or should i continue with both, both stories following the character on a different path he chose.
          Just comment your guy's opionion down below.
          Aegir, out!


@Xauron it is up to you


For the few people that read "The neutral Arche" i will be rewriting all chapters, just like i'm planning on doing it for "The black Death".
          When this Announcment goes live, the prolouge aswell as the biography should already be updated. 
          Have a good day you all.
          With that.
          Aegir, out.


Since it was very expensive to repair due to the damage, since the lazer beam penetrated frontally the front turrets as well as the super structure and the rear turrets and when the battle ended they sent it to repair but the repair was not finalized although there is a percentage that can be done. repair with two wisom cube the ship girl commented on the radio and the ship girls who accompanied her were silent for the information they heard from the ship girl and the "original" bismark was left processing what that girl said and to use it to its benefit since from what I heard since the cube can invoke it and that it can be repaired and in quotes to be invoked I think the "original" bismark since he knows that it is not made of the wisom cube killing 2 birds with one shot of His secondaries since they are going to repair it and they are going to "summon" him and he will only appear in control of the ship. Hise is going to put on the railing of his ship so that it appears that he was summoned


and that a ship girl finds an iron blood document that explains that there are two bismark and that the copy is the ship girl bismark and that the original is the one in the port since it suffered a lot of damage at the beginning of the war siren already that a lazer beam from the siren observed damage important components of the ship and when they wanted to use the wisom cube it did not work and they made a copy of the ship for the wisom cube


I  think i somewhat get your idea and will keep it in the back of my head. My plan is currently to make the MBismarck either neutral or Iron Blood. But thanks for the idea.


Heyo everyone, Xauron or Aegirs Dawn here.
          After deciding to rewrite the story "The black Death" i will now try to get one chapter out per week. 
          If any of you should have questions regarding that subject, please DM me. I'm always open for conversations.


Or just respond beneath this post. 
            With this.
            ~Merry christmas y'all~