
Hey, I know it's been quite a while since I published anything since I terminated Chasing the Stars and I'm sorry. It's just that I found I'm better at short stories, so that's exactly what I decided to write :) I hope you enjoy Xx


he, do you mind maybe reading one of my fics? you can pick any one you want. Just choose one, give it a quick read and maybe comment on it if you want. If you wanna give me feedback or criticism, that is much appreciated. 
          Thank you. 
          btw I just noticed that you also have your own works. I'll give them a read if you want? you know, like for like?


@ IonaSurtees13  Sure I'll read one of them :) you don't have to read one of mine if you don't want to


Hey guys, so for everyone that needs to vent, or just wants someone to talk to, know that you can always dm me, and I won't react if you don't want me to, I just want you guys to have some way to just express your feelings :) xx