Hi, guys!
I saw all your messages urging me to update my books. I totally understand your point of view. And I am really grateful that you all are still sticking around. I haven't been able to reply to your messages since months because I was on hiatus. Today is the first day I opened wattpad since months. I just want to say that I am deeply apologetic that I couldn't update. As some of you might already know, I am in 11th grade and life has shown its true colours. If 10th was something, 11th is a whole different world. I am not even joking. So yeah, being a science student and all I ought to sort out my priorities. I am not saying that I am giving up on writing or my books. I am gonna update soon but it will take time. At this point every single second of my life counts. Plus it's not the end of my book, Call it fate. There are few more chapters to come. I have had it planned but it's just hard to execute.
Last but not the least, thankyou so much for all your support that you have showered till now. I know I am a very frustrating author. The one who makes your nerve twitch. Lmao but still thankyou.
With all love and regards.