Your funny...smiles and waves..hi..I'm Adalaine friends call me Laina or Ada..I was at this wolf persons and was reading an update if hers abs thought I'd be nosy and take a look around..maybe poke into a book or two of
Oh...giggles I would say thanks for the follow..but I don't care...I know, I'm a bitch..what's a girl to do..but if ya want pm me..
Adalaine Marie deputy support admin on the wattpad support group team found @TeaAndSympathy works page. #StayStrong&NeverDoubtYoursrlf
I'm very sorry, but all my planning for the Deanna series has been deleted somehow, and I'm afraid I'm not going to re-plan it.
What I'm trying to say is, the Deanna series has been cancelled.
I'm sowwy... *hides*