Hello Lovelies! I need a backstory for my knyxreader book I'm working on, and I'd like for you to come up with the strangest few. Anything applies as long as it isn't the harshest thing in the world. Thank you! ~A.x.A

Hello Lovelies! I'm making a new demon slayer x reader book, and as readers I'd like your help with something! Y/N is a Hashira. Which breathing technique should you have? Also, should you be someone's trainee? IF SO, please make the breathing form related to theirs! Thank you! ~A.x.A

Y/n personality I thought of is goofy, chaotic, stupid but smart when it comes to tactics on how to win a battle or fight, foodie, matchmaker(just wanted to add that one) and emotionless and uncaring to most people

Hey Lovelies! I might not be posting this entire summer. I've got things I'm working on, such as a few comic/manga things I'm working on with a few friends. If I do post, it won't be often, sorry. I haven't checked if there were any requests/suggested story parts, so reply here if you have and I'll check it out when I can. Thanks! ~A.x.A

Do you like cliffhangers? On one of my stories, MBHAG, I was thinking of making it two books. Would that be a bother to the readers, or are you fine with it?

Please go check out my best friends channel: @Shiigay_4u Thanks!!

Hey bro!

did you know zenitsu drinks black coffee?

Who should I make the Biology teacher in my "My Babe Has a Gun" book? Comment below, and the character who is mentioned the most will get it!

Hey, I've been working on my "My Little Fox Cub" story, and I've worked on my "My Babe Has A Gun" as well. I haven't gotten to my Gay Stories compilation yet, so I apologize about that. I also wanted to thank you for all the support, feedback, and the fact that you have sat here and read my stories. Thank you!