
I just posted my Fruits Basket fanfic, so check it out if you like furuba! The first 3 chapters are up.


Hello! I just finished reading Amaranthine’s last chapter so far and by the last few chapters my soul was crushed, so I just wanted to congratulate you as that isn’t an easy task! 
          You’re very good at writing, the emotion in this story especially was very well written. Good job! (:


hiii! i have a question. so, i really love 'Amaranthine', and i was wondering if you're still writing it or if its gone on hiatus? also, if it's still ongoing, around when would you say it will it update again? the ending of the latest chapter has really made me intrigued to read the next one lol


@Xercere no worries about replying late. even if the story had gone on hiatus, i'd still be invested in how it would end haha. but thank you for letting me know! i'm looking forward to the next update. have a great day/night :)


@diobrandosupremacist Hi! Thanks for your interest in my story! And sorry for the late response ‍♀️❤️ Amaranthine is not on hiatus. I'm still working on the next chapter, but I'm not sure when it will be updated since I write sporadically. If I had to guess, maybe I will update by the end of this month/beginning of next month? Even I don't know. But please be patient because I'm definitely going to keep working until this story is finished! 


When  will  you update more chapters on  your Fruits Basket story? and  are  you  still  writing it?


@user17830345 Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy it!


@Xercere  Glad  to  hear  that  and  I'll  look  forward  it. I  really  enjoy  your  Fruits  basket  story.


@user17830345 I'm still working on it! There will be another chapter up by the end of the month at latest


Hi Xercere! I first want to say I love your latest chapter!! And I was wondering if you could do a one shot of the Valentine’s Day episode from 2019 version? I would really like to see that! Oh and since Kagura already paired Yuki with Tohru for their triple date, she could bring along Haru. And during the whole date, he tries to make Yuki jealous. Which will be easy since we saw his reaction last chapter. Just think about it, ok? Please?!!


@plotgodness I'm happy you're so invested in my story!  I actually did want to write a Valentine's Day chapter so I could write a whole scene where Natsu gives Yuki her Valentine's gift, but I decided to cut the chapter. If I do write a Valentine's extra, I'm not sure when it would be posted. You have such good ideas, though! I'll definitely consider writing it (but no promises)


Hi, I want to say I love your story ‘Snowmelt’. I love Natsu interaction with everyone especially Yuki and HARU. I hope to see her interacting with them way more in the future. And I love how this is a Yuki Soma love story because I’m always seeing Kyo stories and the Yuki stories I do see, they’re not well written. I was wondering, are you following the manga or anime? If anime, which version?  


I was thinking since HARU is so mischievous, there should be a chapter where he sends all his visit with Natsu just to make Yuki crazy. Or like when they all go to the beach, he sees her swimsuit and says ‘If I wasn’t already in love with Rin, I’d definitely make Natsu my girl’ or something like that.


@plotgodness Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my story! I'm following the manga and new anime since they have the same plot. I'm also throwing in some scenes from the old anime just for fun