
My dad is gone for this week on a business trip and im left here in my house with my mom. Me and my mom are not on good terms and when were left together for long periods of time we argue with each other more often. I hate it here. im starting to feel more caged with how controlling my mom is being. shes even threatening to whip me with a belt if i dont listen to her. Im getting scared of living in this house. I dont feel safe with her


I have alot of homework in AP World History due tomorrow and i've already been overwhelemed by having school mandatory PSAT's on Wendsday then on Friday my WHAP teacher added another assignment due tomorrow and then my mom comes into my room and criticizes that the way im doing one of my WHAP homework is wrong even though i did the least overwhelming part first and split the major part of the assignment into sections to not stress me out. I can't stand highschool life. All of this pressure is adding an unseen weight to the students. I told my dad that i want to drop out of Highschool but he didnt understand how stressed i was. Now i know why teen suicide rate is high


I’m starting to feel even more depressed than usual. I have a project in English and this one girl is really focused on the grades. She keeps telling us (me and the rest of the group) to do the requirements a cirtan way. I was I charge of creating the poster and it was good and the other members thought it was good but her and she keeps saying how I should try to contribute to the group work when I’m already doing my best with the digital poster part of it. She’s worried about what grade we’ll get and her telling me what to do to get the grade she wants is stressing me out and I can’t stand it.


@BeautifulyCool Hehe. Dont forget Bakugo. Thanks for tryin’ ta cheer me up Senpai. But you know I’m not like the storm. I’m like the clouds. I’m a socially awkward useless person


            Neechan, relax. Shes trying to be controlling and it's not cool, bit dont lose your cool. Tell her you did and that you and the rest of the group like it. You did your part. She should focus on her part, not yours. If she doesn't listen, tell her to do it herself but that you're gonna go tell the teacher that shes being controlling. It's a group project. She cant dictate how everything goes. And dont worry about being a tattle tale. It's better to get credit for doing your work rather than how your classmates feel. You have your friends who know you and love you. Stand up for yourself, and going to the teacher does that as well. I've done so myself and things worked out okay. 
            Just be strong. Gokudera wouldn't let someone in his project group push him to do what they want, he may blow them up, but dont do that. XD have as much fun in the project as you can despite the dictator. 