
how do I motivate myself to write more ‘chills’? I wanna write but I am ✨struggling✨ right now


posted a new sonic fic over on ao3 the other day, it's called 'giving me chills', if you're in the fandom i'd really appreciate if you checked it out! my username is the same over there as it is here, XeroZero87, thank you in advance to anyone who goes and gives it a read, if it does well enough i'll bring it over here too! ^^


already having second thoughts on deleting the book, you guys are all so kind, thank you so much to everyone who's left comments, replies and votes overnight, I don't have words to describe how happy I am to see people still enjoying what I wrote, or how much all the kind words mean to me. thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. <3


okay so I've been thinking things over...
          I'm thinking of deleting my papyton oneshot book.
          yes, it's what built my account and I'm glad to have written it for that reason, and seeing funny comments on it always makes my day, but that's where the positives end for me. i can't even look at the book without cringing anymore.
          if people want it to stay up, I'll keep it up, if there are specific chapters people really like, let me know and I'll keep those, whatever, but if i get nothing back I'll be deleting the book. I'll also be posting this note in the book itself, so you don't need to respond to both
          thank you to everyone who read it and i hope you enjoyed at least one part of it, but it doesn't bring me joy anymore, so I won't be uploading more to it at the very least


@Indigo_Range thank you for the kind words, I'm actually close to tears from everything, and I'm glad to hear the book still has its fans and readers. thank you for being so understanding, and for reading the book, I don't even have words to describe how much they mean to me <3


It’s alright if you don’t continue the story, but please, don’t delete the story. I enjoy rereading this book a lot and would be sad if you deleted it. If you do delete it, I understand. thank you for writing this book.


okay okay so, anything in particular people would like to see me write? fandoms, ships, genre, etc., all suggestions are greatly appreciated. i essentially built my account solely on papyton, so now I just feel kinda lost...
          thank you so much in advance to everyone!


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so… been a while, huh?
          yeah so I deleted the wattpad app and just kinda… forgot this website existed?? so no, I’m not dead, just a dumbass. 
          I’m gonna be honest though, I’m not really planning on coming back? at least, not properly. I do want to finish Secret Gaygents, but I’ve also lost most of my interest in papyton so whether or not I can or will do that is kinda up in the air at the moment. I am still writing, but I’m now over on ao3 instead. 
          thank you all for all the memories and friends I got to make here, I’ll be keeping these stories and books up but nothing aside from Secret Gaygents is likely to get an actual update, I’m afraid. 
          wishing you all the very best, hope you all had good holidays and wishing you all a happy new year! until the next Secret Gaygents chapter, so long, and thank you all


@UDT_MTT I do want to, I can't deny that haha, just don't know what I'd be writing considering my account was built on papyton and I don't know what else anyone would want to see from me. once I figure that out though, we should be able to get going again in between other stuff ^^


@XeroZero87 It's ok as long as you stay (if you want to-) ^^


@UDT_MTT you're so sweet darling, thank you for the kind words ;-;
            I do kinda want to keep posting here, things like receiving and reading comments always made my day, I just might not be writing papyton anymore, or at least as much as I used to... and please don't cry <3


haha what if to celebrate my day off college tomorrow I rewrote two old chapters that I feel really need some improvement after how far I’ve come since their release? I think that’d be pretty cool if anyone’s picking up what I’m laying down?


hey everyone, sorry for the massive delay in chapters, but I’m afraid it’ll likely keep going. I’m posting more over on ao3 instead, I just started college and I’m going to be opening art commissions over on my instagram and maybe tumblr (xerozero87 on all, X and Z are capital on ao3) so if anyone’s interested, come give me a follow and once they open, just send me a dm. for now though, I am going to try to write and post more on here when I can, and I’m sorry again for another long hiatus with no heads-up.