
HAPPY 17th of May to all Norwegians out there! :D


Hi there! Thank you so much for adding Trailer Girl to your reading list. :)


Aww, you're really nice. Thank you!


@bepositivealex92 haha no problem, looked like a good read, can't wait to get into it ^-^


So I just updated a new chapter to The Missing Wolf... FINALLY! I''m still not finished editing the previous chapters though, but wanted to publish something new :) I might change it later, make the chapter a little longer since it is really short, but  for now, here you go ^_^


The Missing Wolf is going to be on hold for a little while now, so that I can try and fix all of my mistakes(plot holes, grammar mistakes*yikes* and ofc spelling mistakes :P) but as soon as I've fixed my previous chapters I WILL write a new one, and I will continue with this story so that it may be finished one day ^-^ I have big plans kerberos and Amity, just you wait ;)


So I just updated two of my stories and I really hope you will continue reading my stuff even after all this time and I just want to say that I'm so, so sorry for that.
          I'll try to figure my stuff out and of course contine writing, but The Missing Wolf is kind of complicated right now, so again sorry