
If you're reading this, no it does not mean Im going to update soon. Im typing this cuz both books are currently on hiatus AND to apologize for the fake promises. I kept saying one of the books will be updated on that or this date but never did. All these times I have been wanting to update but I can't force myself through; I simply can't bring myself to write for no reason. To those who have been waiting for me to update, I deeply apologise for the fake promises I've made, it was never my intention.
          	That is all I want to say; hopefully I'll update it one day, but maybe not soon. Have a happy day or night to anyone reading this :)


@Xi3nna got it, hope to read the genshin react soon 


If you're reading this, no it does not mean Im going to update soon. Im typing this cuz both books are currently on hiatus AND to apologize for the fake promises. I kept saying one of the books will be updated on that or this date but never did. All these times I have been wanting to update but I can't force myself through; I simply can't bring myself to write for no reason. To those who have been waiting for me to update, I deeply apologise for the fake promises I've made, it was never my intention.
          That is all I want to say; hopefully I'll update it one day, but maybe not soon. Have a happy day or night to anyone reading this :)


@Xi3nna got it, hope to read the genshin react soon 


Before anything else, heyy how're you guys doin?? Hope yall have a great time 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
          Now back to the main point, about the reaction books(both Boboiboy and Genshin reaction book). Its been months since I've last update them - how long was it? Idk :v
          I finally regained my motivation back yey :D but that doesn't mean I can write the reaction books freely because my parents took my phone away every monday to friday since its school time. Not to mention, every saturday and sunday morning I have tuition and I doubt that I have free time at evening because my family and I spend our time together(70 out of 100 chance it will happen).
          Im planning to update one out of two reaction books(prob update both) on december or january since I need to keep up with my group project first(the teacher is too obsessed with giving us a lot of group project help-)
          Since I will be busy in future months, Im expecting yall not to put high expectation on the outcome nor the release cuz Im not sure myself
          Thats all from me, now I gotta pack up my bag(yes, Im writing this in my tuition class at night)


i'm doing alright:D, and same like you—i've got a lot in my plate right now. just don't pressure yourself too much and focus on your studies instead! maybe if you want to catch up on your stories, you can plan the next chapter or your next stories on your notebook whenever you have free time! 
            focus on your studies instead. love yaa<33


Alr yall so how're yall doing?? Just checking up on yall since I won't update any of my reaction books anytime soon :')
          But anyways I hope yall have a great day and if you have a bad day, come here lemme hug you (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ


Y'all give me tips how to gain motivation please- I wanted continue writing my reaction books but my motivation has *poof*. Nowhere to be seen. The fact I have another upcoming exam next month tho ;-;
          Give me ideas too how the ppl in reaction book react cuz I got nothing *sad noises* But Im not forcing yall don't get me wrong- Anyways bye have a great day/night <3


@_Galaxiez_ read some reactions books, get ideas or inspirations from those and stuff. 
            Make them react from the scenes in other books instead of episodes to make it interesting. 
            Make them react to animatics some famous animators made in YT
            Make them react to angst and stuff. 
            That's all, meanwhile here's my ass doing nothing and just doing edits abt my own fusions instead of updating but yeah hope that helps 


@_Galaxiez_ Well u can read other fan fictions it helps me to motivate myself too


F this, Imma force myself to do it anyway or else I won't get anywhere 


So uh- •⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;
          Both of the reaction books won't get any update any soon, probably update it next month like that cuz an upcoming progressive test. My grades last year aren't that good- I barely passed so this year Im trying to get higher grades than before. I won't be focusing on writing the reaction books for now and move my attention to study and review on the test. Its hard for me to focus because I don't really like studying and reviewing for the test but I have no choice do I?(especially math, science, religious class and one more subject). So I basically forced myself to study on both early and last minute. In my opinion, last minute study and review usually work for me because I have short memories but I'll try to study more early and try to remember most of it...I hope so- Our teachers already start to give us tips and tricks for the test as well as similar answers. We basically have two weeks to study and review the past chapter that we learned this year. The test start at date 22 to 26 May which is 5 days. Maybe I'll continue to write the reaction books after the test(if I have the mood)
          I rarely update the reaction books so I apologize yall ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. I guess I'll put more content and stuff on the next update. Have a great day/afternoon/night everyone :D


@_Galaxiez_ school sucks. I'm in the same boat for memory so take breaks


@_Galaxiez_  ok good luck on the test and take beaks