
Hey guys! I know ive been away for a long time and truth is I’ve been really sick, in and out of the hospital. Its been months now and all the doctors ive been to don’t really know what is wrong with me. I had a minor surgery a few weeks ago as well and have been in recovery meanwhile. I apologize if it seems like i scrapped everything but i ask for your understanding. School has also started recently and i have a lot on my plate right now, i cannot promise an update anytime soon but i can promise you that I will try my best. 


Hey guys! I know ive been away for a long time and truth is I’ve been really sick, in and out of the hospital. Its been months now and all the doctors ive been to don’t really know what is wrong with me. I had a minor surgery a few weeks ago as well and have been in recovery meanwhile. I apologize if it seems like i scrapped everything but i ask for your understanding. School has also started recently and i have a lot on my plate right now, i cannot promise an update anytime soon but i can promise you that I will try my best. 


Hello! I sincerely apologize for my lack of updates, I’ve been super busy with state testing and college entrance exams for my dual credit program! Im hoping to be able to find time to write during mid-May? Hope you’re doing well and again, super sorry for not being consistent!


My favorite thing is receiving comments on my works, it really gives everything a new meaning and pushes me to work hard ^^ 
          That being said, how are you enjoying what I put out? Any opinions or complaints? I’d like to be able to improve appeal towards my works and make sure it’s enjoyable to everyone! <3


Once again, America is turning against it's people. I remember having to comment on this same problem a few years ago. Women have the rights to their own bodies and no one should be able to make any sort of choice about her body for her. Will this endless cycle of hatred ever stop?


Merry Christmas everyone! If you celebrate Christmas that is-
          Anywho! I wanted to thank you guys for everything and wish you all a very happy Christmas! I know we didn't get our Hyunjins, Taehyungs, Wonhos, (I was very disappointed to not find a Jeongin under my tree lol) or whoever we wished for but at least we can celebrate along with them <3 
          I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy, eat proper meals and drink water, take care of yourself, I love you, and for those who need to hear this right now, I'm proud of you!
          -Nari <3