I miss Xierra and Yuno girll, I haven't seen you in so longg
Reading Lists
Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates! I hope that this year's merry season brings nothing but happiness and jolliness to you and your family! If you're spending it alone, don't worry, you have the whole community here with you, haha. I know that the past two and a half (maybe more) years have been hard on all of us. We all have our loved ones that we miss, friends that we cannot see and meet up with, families that are towns away, including our wallets that need money lmao (I know we're all broke, don't try to deny it). But honestly, despite all those hardships and challenges that we went through, I'm glad that you're still here with me! If it wasn't for the pandemic, I wouldn't have tried out writing. If it wasn't for the pandemic, I wouldn't have written stories, and fanfictions, and be here with you all! And if it wasn't for the pandemic that connected me with writing, I would've died of boredom haha. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, ya'll. Let's just hope 2023 won't be as bad as the last two years. ───────────────────────────── FOR "BLACK CLOVER: THE WHISPERER - YUNO GRINBERRYALL" READERS: I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update anything at the moment. I'm still working on the rewrite and it's been taking longer than I expected. And I've gotten rusty ever since I took some time off of writing, too (gonna make sure not to do that shortly if I wanna keep my brain working). Anyhow, there won't be any special chapters for the time being until I finish the rewrite. I hope you all have a great Christmas and new year! - Love, Xierryne -
I miss Xierra and Yuno girll, I haven't seen you in so longg
Welcome back
Hi I want to tell the your story the whisper is very good story and I want to say plsssssss update it because I been waiting for it to continue so pls and thank you
@LwandleMadini Don't worry about it I understand I just wait until then take your time okay
@LwandleMadini UEHRURJR IM SORRY i actually just don't have any time to write that i eventually really miss writing hahah, thank you for liking the book though!
@LwandleMadini Thank goodness for that I thought you stop update it but I'm glad you didn't because I really like the book so much
Is the whisperer going to be continued?
@princessd237 hi there! Sorry for the late reply. To answer your question: Yes! The Whisperer will be continuing, it's just that I'm still working on it's rewrite in order to ensure better quality (grammar wise and other aspects). It'll take a long while, but I hope you'll understand! ❤❤
Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates! I hope that this year's merry season brings nothing but happiness and jolliness to you and your family! If you're spending it alone, don't worry, you have the whole community here with you, haha. I know that the past two and a half (maybe more) years have been hard on all of us. We all have our loved ones that we miss, friends that we cannot see and meet up with, families that are towns away, including our wallets that need money lmao (I know we're all broke, don't try to deny it). But honestly, despite all those hardships and challenges that we went through, I'm glad that you're still here with me! If it wasn't for the pandemic, I wouldn't have tried out writing. If it wasn't for the pandemic, I wouldn't have written stories, and fanfictions, and be here with you all! And if it wasn't for the pandemic that connected me with writing, I would've died of boredom haha. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, ya'll. Let's just hope 2023 won't be as bad as the last two years. ───────────────────────────── FOR "BLACK CLOVER: THE WHISPERER - YUNO GRINBERRYALL" READERS: I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update anything at the moment. I'm still working on the rewrite and it's been taking longer than I expected. And I've gotten rusty ever since I took some time off of writing, too (gonna make sure not to do that shortly if I wanna keep my brain working). Anyhow, there won't be any special chapters for the time being until I finish the rewrite. I hope you all have a great Christmas and new year! - Love, Xierryne -
Hello Xierryne, i hope your doing well! I'm just here to say hi and i'm doing another fanart of our dear Xierra. Sooo expect an image on discord hehe.. Also good luck on school or on whatever your doing right now! Make sure to drink water, eat 3 meals a day and sleep. Have a great day/night! ♡♡
@Fuuka_TrashSimp hello to you toooooo, don't worry im doing fine! Though im swamped with school projects . I'll be waiting for the fanart, Xierra said thanks as well (^з^)-☆Chu!! And thank you so much for the well wishes! Hope you're doing well too!
Hello Author! May I please know what is the font name you use/ what app you used for your 'The Whisperer' title?
@H0rNy_S1mP hello there! If you're talking about the book name in Wattpad, I'm actually using one of those fonts that uses the keyword "aesthetic fonts" on the internet. But if you're talking about the book cover, I'm using Cinzel for the font and Photoshop CC to edit it. Hope this helps!
Hello Author-san! I hope your doing well, anyways i wanna ask if The Whisperer is still continuing
@Fuuka_TrashSimp Ahh i see, u dont have to force yourself to write a chapter so pls take ur time with updating The whisperer. And also Good luck on your last year in high school and make sure to take care of yourself Author-san! Next time you'll see me in the next chapter of the whisperer
Hello again Author-san, is there an image of Xierra? I'd like to draw her.
@Chidokiii ah, I have a sketch of her and rhein, actually, though it's not finished. Would you like to see it?
Hello author-san! I'd just like to ask on how to pronounce Xierra's name in your black clover book
@Chidokiii hello! The pronunciation of Xierra's name is pretty much the same when you pronounce 'Sierra,' and the 'Xie' in her name is also the same as the Chinese word for thank you, xiè xie (谢谢)!
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