
hello there,
          	as you and many others have noticed, i went on hiatus. i am not going to say i am back otherwise i would be lying. many personal issues occurred in my life and i prefer not to explain. i wanted to come on here to apologize for my sudden absence and say sorry to those i have worried.  i republished Dueling for Answers but i will not be continuing the book anytime soon. i wanted to bring it back for those who wanted to reread it. i don’t know when or if i will continue it. 
          	again, im sorry for going on hiatus suddenly. i want to reassure everyone that i am okay and well. 
          	happy reading everyone! :)


@XinaFey  hi there i was wondering if you still there in real life. i am fan of you story, and i hope this year 2023 will continue the story.


@XinaFey hey it's totally okay! The story is great but I'm much happier you're feeling better! Hope you keep getting better!


@XinaFey it's ok, I understand you want to take some time off wattpad. I'm glad your story is back. I love it so much.